Angle Converter

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What is Angle Converter?

Angle Converter is a free online tool that converts between different units of angle measurement. It supports conversion between degrees, minutes, seconds, radians.

What is Angle Converter?

What is a Degree? 🍕

A degree is like slicing a pizza 🍕 into 360 equal pieces.

  • Each little slice is 1 degree (1°).
  • Examples:
    • A right angle (like the corner of a book) is 90°.
    • A straight line is 180°.
    • A full circle is 360° (the whole pizza).

Minutes and Seconds ⏱

Degrees can get super tiny! So, we break them into smaller parts:

  • 1 degree = 60 minutes (60')
  • 1 minute = 60 seconds (60")

Think of it like time:

  • 1 hour has 60 minutes.
  • 1 minute has 60 seconds.
    For example: 90° 30' 15" means 90 degrees, 30 minutes, and 15 seconds.

What is a Radian? 🎡

Now let’s get fancy! A radian is a different way to measure angles that makes math easier. Here’s how to picture it:

  1. Imagine a circle.
  2. Take a string as long as the radius (the distance from the center of the circle to its edge).
  3. Lay the string along the edge of the circle.
  4. The angle between the start and end of the string is 1 radian.

Some cool facts about radians:

  • A full circle is about 6.28 radians (that’s because π ≈ 3.14).
  • Half a circle is π radians (about 3.14).
  • A quarter circle (right angle) is π/2 radians (about 1.57).

Quick Conversion: Degrees ↔ Radians 🧮

Here’s the formula:
Radians = Degrees × (π / 180)

Easy Example for Fun! 🥳


You’re playing on a merry-go-round 🎠.

  • The ride makes one full turn (a full circle).
  • That’s 360° or 2π radians.

Now, what if it only turned halfway?

  • That’s 180° or π radians!

Math can even describe how far you spun around—how cool is that?

Why Learn Radians?

Radians are like a universal language for angles in math, physics, and engineering. They make formulas shorter and calculations easier. But don’t worry—degrees, minutes, and seconds are still super useful for everyday life!

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