Color Converter Online

A comprehensive suite of color conversion and manipulation tools for designers and developers.

Color Input

Enter a color in HEX format (e.g., #1e88e5)

Color Values

Click any value to copy to clipboard

Understanding Color Models: Hex, RGB, CMYK, and More

Let 's break down these color models and terms in a way that 's simple and relatable. Imagine we 're creating artwork, both for screens and print. Here 's how these terms play into that.

Hexadecimal (Hex)

Hex is like a “password” for colors on websites.

  • It 's a 6-digit code starting with #.
  • Each pair in the code represents Red,Green, and Blue (RGB).
    • Example: #FF0000 is red,#00FF00 is green, and#0000FF is blue.
  • Great for web design because browsers understand it.

Want a yellow button? Use #FFFF00.
Want to change text to black? Use #000000.

RGB (Red, Green, Blue)

RGB is how screens mix light to create colors.

  • It uses numbers from 0 to 255 to control red, green, and blue intensity.
    • rgb(255, 0, 0) = fully bright red.
    • rgb(0, 255, 0) = fully bright green.
    • rgb(255, 255, 255) = white (all light combined).

Think of it like adjusting a flashlight:

  • Bright red light = more red.
  • Turn up all the lights = white.

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black)

CMYK is used for printing—think ink on paper.

  • It 's a subtractive model, starting with white paper and “subtracting” light using ink.
    • Cyan + Magenta + Yellow make colors, but it 's hard to make true black, so black (Key) is added.
  • CMYK values are percentages (0-100%).

For a purple flyer, you might use:

  • C: 40%, M: 100%, Y: 0%, K: 0%.

HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value)

HSV is a color model that focuses onhow we see colors.

  • Hue: The “type” of color (red, green, blue) measured in degrees on a circle (0°-360°).
    • 0° = red, 120° = green, 240° = blue.
  • Saturation: How intense or pure the color is (0% = gray, 100% = vivid).
  • Value: Brightness, from dark (0%) to full bright (100%).

A soft pink might be:

  • Hue = 0° (red), Saturation = 30%, Value = 90%.

Shades and Tints

  • Shade: Adding black to a color to make it darker.
    • Example: Navy is a shade of blue.
  • Tint: Adding white to make it lighter.
    • Example: Baby blue is a tint of blue.

Think of it like adjusting the brightness and mood of a painting.

Invert Color

  • Flips a color to its opposite on the color wheel.
    • Example: Black (#000000) becomesWhite (#FFFFFF).
    • Red (#FF0000) becomes Cyan(#00FFFF).

Useful for creating contrast or “negative” effects.


  • Reduces the intensity of a color, moving it closer to gray.
  • Think of it as turning down the color 's “volume.”
    • Example: Bright red becomes dull red, then gray.

Why Use It?
To create muted, pastel, or vintage tones.

RGB vs. CMYK (An Analogy)

  • RGB is like painting with light. It starts with black (a blank screen) andadds light to create colors.
  • CMYK is like painting with ink. It starts with white (paper) andadds ink to subtract light.

Let 's Convert!

  1. Hex to RGB:
    Hex #FF5733 → RGB (255, 87, 51).

  2. RGB to CMYK:
    RGB (255, 87, 51) → CMYK(0%, 66%, 80%, 0%).

  3. Degrees to HSV Hue:
    A reddish-orange hue is about 20° in HSV.

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